We are family of Fonk.We make products for children, families and education.

We happily help with strategy, concept and realization of apps,websites, learning materials and publications.

What we do

Small Steps Down Syndrome Foundation

The Sweet list Own Publication

When do you create an app? Own publication

TikkiTaki KNVB

Hi Doctor Own product

TikkiTaki KNVB

What is the role of the designer? Own publication

CoChef Own product

We have no idea!

In our family we love children. We love them because they teach us to see, they teach us to learn and they teach us to play. They remind us of how we all should and want to be. We enjoy working for them because we believe they are the most important people. Important because the world will soon be theirs.


We admire children for their open eyes and ingenuity, we want their world to become a really good world. We empower children with what we make. And we inspire not only children, but also their family, friends and school environment.

Our Family

Astrid Poot

The direction

Derk Zijlker

The knowledge

Karlijn Moll

The focus

Stephanie Buijs

The experience

Leonie Young

Have designed

Madelon Oude Vrielink

The product

Our family grows with everything we do

ยฉ Familievanfonk. 2025. All Rights Reserved